John 3:16
1John 4:9
Jeremiah 31:3
Romans 8:38-39
Romans 5:8
Isaiah 49:16
Psalm 119:68
Exodus 19:5
God is so amazing he knows you and me better than we know our selves or better than anyone else does. He knows us and loves us and wants us to know him and love him. How do we know this is true?
If we look to the beginning (Genesis 1:1-) when God created the earth he said everything he made was good. He created us good and perfect. Because we were good and perfect we were able to walk with God and know God without any barriers, that’s why we were naked. Only after we disobeyed or turned away from God did we experience separation from God. Since we decided to turn away from God we now must decide to turn to him and live our lives for him and not for ourselves.
God will always love his children. He will never stop loving his children.
When the princess wondered if she would ever be married her mother reminded her that God would always love her whether she was married or not.
Have you ever written something in your hand so you wouldn’t forget? God doesn’t just write it on his hand he engraves it. How do you engrave something?
God loves his children so much he wants to use everything, good or bad, difficult or easy to make his daughters beautiful on the only side that counts for eternity. What side is that?
Think of an instance where God has shown you his love by providing for you, protecting you or guiding you.
We all need to remember that we are God’s special treasure. When we don’t act or feel like treasures we need to ask God who knows all things to help us represent him as the treasures we are. Truth and feelings don't always appear at the same time. Truth is always there.